
Beton is a module of the Beton library which contains multiple modules:



To use Beton simply import it. If you need anything from Foundation you do not need to explicitly import it. You get it for free by importing Beton.

import Beton

Convenience API for Bundle

Using Beton it is quite easy to get localized bundles and values from them.

Suppose you have a localization bundle in your project for the hu_HU locale, with a translation for "Apple" = "Alma" , but you don’t have one for "Banana" (which would be "Banán"). The following example finds the bundle, gets the localized version of "Apple", and falls back to the given key "Banana".

let bundle          = Bundle.module.localizationBundles["hu_HU"]
let localizedApple  = bundle?.localizedString("Apple")
// localizedApple == "Alma"
let localizedBanana = bundle?.localizedString("Banana")
// localizedBanana == "Banana"

Convenience API for Locale

Locales in Beton are expressible by string literals.

let locales: [Locale] = ["en_US", "en_GB", "hu_HU"]
for locale in locales {
  print("Currency symbol: \(locale.currencySymbol ?? "N/A")")
// Prints:
// Currency symbol: $
// Currency symbol: £
// Currency symbol: Ft

?! operator

The ?! operator unwraps an Optional value if is not nil, otherwise throws the given error.

struct GenericError: Error {}

let answer = try Int("42") ?! GenericError()
// answer == 42

try Int("NaN") ?! GenericError()
// Throws: GenericError()

sum extension on Sequences

Calculates the total of all elements in a sequence. Available on any sequence with values that conform to AdditiveArithmetic

let arraySum = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5].sum()
// arraySum == 16.5

let rangeSum = (1..<10).sum()
// rangeSum == 45

let setSum = Set(arrayLiteral: 1, 2, 3, 2, 3).sum()
// setSum == 6

Convenience for Measurements

In Beton measurements have default units and they conform to AdditiveArithmetic.

let sum = [1, 2, 3].map { Measurement<UnitLength>(value: $0, unit: .default) }.sum()
// sum == 6.0 m

Adding as a Dependency

To use the Beton in a SwiftPM project, add it to the dependencies for your package and your target.

// swift-tools-version:5.5.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "MyApplication",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
  targets: [
    .target(name: "MyApplication", dependencies: [
      .product(name: "Beton", package: "Beton"),