
The following functions are available globally.

  • Returns a measurement raised to the given power.

    Raising a measurement affects only its value and keeps the original unit.

    let measurement = pow(Measurement<UnitInformationStorage>(value: 2, unit: .bits), 3)
    let limit       = Measurement<UnitInformationStorage>(value: 1, unit: .bytes)
    if limit <= measurement {
      print("Large enough data: \(measurement)") // Prints: Large enough data: 8.0 bit



    public func pow<Unit>(_ x: Measurement<Unit>, _ y: Double) -> Measurement<Unit> where Unit : Unit
  • Returns the square root of a measurement.

    Square root of a measurement affects only its value and keeps the original unit.

    let measurement = sqrt(Measurement<UnitInformationStorage>(value: 64, unit: .bits))
    let limit       = Measurement<UnitInformationStorage>(value: 1, unit: .bytes)
    if measurement <= limit {
      print("Small enough data: \(measurement)") // Prints: Small enough data: 8.0 bit



    public func sqrt<Unit>(_ x: Measurement<Unit>) -> Measurement<Unit> where Unit : Unit
  • Performs a nil checking operation, returning the wrapped value of an Optional instance or throwing the given error.

    The ?! operator unwraps the left-hand side if it has a value, or it throws the right-hand side. The result of this operation will have the non-optional type of the left-hand side’s Wrapped type.

    Like the ?? operator, this operator uses short-circuit evaluation. For example:

    struct GenericError: Error {}
    var called = false
    func error() -> Error {
      called = true
      return GenericError()
    let goodNumber = try Int("100") ?! error()
    // goodNumber == 100
    // called == false
    do {
      let _ = try Int("invalid-input") ?! error() // Throws GenericError
    } catch {
      // called == true



    public func ?! <Value, Error>(optional: Optional<Value>, error: @autoclosure () -> Error) throws -> Value where Error : Error



    An optional value.


    The error to throw if the optional value is nil.